Avenue de l'Université, 40 - 1050 Ixelles
Visit our real estate agency, We Invest Ixelles, to bring your sales, purchase, investment, or rental projects to life. Our real estate experts provide tailored, local support in the neighborhoods of Ixelles, Roosevelt, Louise, and the Pentagone and City Center areas of Brussels!
Properties for sale
Properties for rent
A precise valuation that's within a 4% margin of the eventual selling price
Guidance throughout the entire journey
Optimal online and offline visibility of your property
Receive personalised matches for new properties on the market
A partner during negotiations
Legal assistance
Calculate of the rent amount
Optimal visibility for the property
Selection of the ideal tenants for your house or apartment
Support until the lease signature
This team of real estate agents and experts will take care of all your real estate plans and projects.
Régis Bernard
Agency Director
Aurélien Wolters
Real Estate Advisor
Emilie Cohen
Real Estate Advisor